Saturday, December 4, 2010

Life in 4 Photos

Break of Dawn -- New lease of life, Embarking upon a New Voyage...... 
A Child Flyin Kite -- Young Blood, Aspiring to Fly High with Enormous Zest n Zeal..coz U Know, Sky is The Limit......
A Small Tree -- Need to Nurture.......
Two Birds Hovering Above -- There r People Around to Take Ample Care of You, You r Actually Carefree....... 

Second Pic
Daylight -- You r Almost Halfway Through in This Voyage Called Life
.....Couple -- You Hav a Betterhalf of Yours to Lean Upon n Speak Your Heart Out to......
Grown-up Tree -- You Hav Been Nurtured Profusely to Stand Tall n Rigidly in The Storms That May, Otherwise, Let U Down.........
A Small Tree -- You, Together With Your Betterhalf, Hav Given A New Lease of Life to Another Breaking Dawn (Your Child).........
One Bird Hovering Above -- There r Comparitively Less People Around You to Take Care of You, Unlike During Your Wonder Childhood Years....... 

Third Pic
Fall of Dusk -- Twilight is Setting Upon, Life Has Come a Full Circle....
An Old Man -- It's a Race Against Time Now On, It's The Begining of The End of The Voyage......
Ageing Tree -- Signifies The Above Two Things, Second One Being The Personification of This........
Grown Tree -- Your Kins Hav Grown Up, It's High Time You Start Supporting Them With Tender Care Rather Than Clashes..........
One Bird -- Self Explanatory, I Guess???
Grave -- In Course of The Voyage You Hav Lost Luved Ones n You Also Start to Anticipate Your Ultimate Fate n Destiny.......... 

Fourth Pic
Nightfall -- Voyage is Over, Darkness is Looming Over, High Time to Say Good Bye....
Starry Sky -- There's Still Happiness Around, Thanks to The Aesthetic Memories Left by You n The Good Work Done Too......
Grown-up Tree -- Your Kins r Walkin in Your Shoes now, It's For Them to Follow Your Footsteps Drawin Inspiration From Your Exemplary Life..
Grave With Two Crosses -- You r United With Your Soulmates n RIP........ (Watch Closely)

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